Commercial Publishing: material delivery

We guarantee you a simple and fast implementation. Use this form to send us your complete content.

For further information or queries, please contact us at

Required *

You can find this number on the order confirmation.
Please select a start date.
Please select an end date.
Please write down important information concerning the booking or the material here.
Daily deal information
Layout / Branding
Details on the formats and sizes of the images can be found in the specifications:
Example: #000000
Specify URL of the logo
Text area (short description of the offer)
50 characters including spaces
100 characters including spaces
300 characters including spaces
Product area
Details on the formats and sizes of the images can be found in the specifications:
Example: Sony WH-1000 XM3
Option possible per month
Order button link
70 characters including spaces
200 characters including spaces. Addition to or shortened version of the text.
Details on the formats and sizes of the images can be found in the specifications:
Example implementation only possible with embed-code.
The quantity will be adjusted by the Commercial Publishing team during the deal.
Information such as shipping costs, delivery time etc.

In order to offer the readers the most diverse content possible and to simultaneously boost the traffic of individual stories, the Commercial Publishing team creates various teasers to use in an A/B-testing. For this purpose, three teaser subjects with different images and titles are published at the start of the publication, from which the system finally displays the one that performs best after an automatic evaluation.

For teaser pictures, the following applies: no black and white pictures, no collages, no drawings/graphics, no logos and no fonts. People that are shown from the front and as close as possible work best.

Details on the formats and sizes of the images can be found in the specifications:
Contact details for queries
Please enter at least one contact person for queries.
Please enter at least one email address, which we can contact if we have any queries.
Please enter at least one phone number, which we can contact if we have any queries.